Shop PLOYS at the markets


Prefer to shop in person? Check out our stock at some fabulous retailers as listed on our website home page. Or come and see us in person at the following markets

22 March, 8-12PM, Love Me Again & Marketfolk, Portside Wharf, Hamilton, Brisbane 

23 March 9-1PM Slow Fashion, What We Make Market, St Augustine Hall, 56 Racecourt Rd, Hamilton, Brisbane

9 May, 4-9PM BRAG Art Market, Bundaberg 

7 June, 8-12PM, Indigiscape Eco Festival, Capalaba, Brisbane

18 & 19 July, 9-3PM, The Made Local Market, John Reid Pavillon, 600 Gregory Terrace, Bowen Hills

 Don't forget to bring your broken pool inflatables and receive 10% off (does not apply to custom made)